Hogan Prime


Test isi requirment observed value
Moisture content 5% – 15% 8%
Sheer Strenght (Dry State) Min. Ind. 1100 N
Min. Avg. 1350 N
1350 N
1500 N
Adhesioin To Plies Minimum pass standard Excellent
Sheer Strength
(after 72 hrs boiling water)
Min. Ind. 800 N
Min. Avg. 1000 N
1150 N
1250 N
Tensile Strength
-Along the grain
-Acros the grain
Sum of tensile strength
4200 N/ sq.mm
2500 N/ sq.mm
8450 N/ sq.mm
5500 N/ sq.mm
3950 N/ sq.mm
9400 N/ sq.mm
Static Bending Strength
a. Modulus of Rupture    
-along the grain
-along the grain
50 N/ sq.mm
30 N/sq.mm
65 N/ sq.mm
40 N/ sq.mm
Static Bending Strength
b. Modulus of elasticity    
-alog the grain
-acros the grain
7500 N/ sq.mm
4000 N/sq.mm
8305 N/ sq.mm
4170 N/ sq.mm